

More about Estuary and related technologies, straight from the team.

Our blog breaks down basic concepts and takes you into the minds of our engineers. We also dig into the business principles that guide our company and allow us to build great solutions for yours.

Connector stories: Snowflake and BigQuery

Olivia Iannone · November 16, 2021

Connector stories: Snowflake and BigQuery
The Estuary story and guiding principles

David Yaffe - CEO, Johnny Graettinger - CTO · November 9, 2021

The Estuary story and guiding principles
Database vs data warehouse vs data lake: Key differences and usage

Olivia Iannone · November 2, 2021

Database vs data warehouse vs data lake: Key differences and usage
Three data scaling pitfalls and how to avoid them

Olivia Iannone · October 26, 2021

Three data scaling pitfalls and how to avoid them
Connector stories: Apache Kakfa

Olivia Iannone · October 19, 2021

Connector stories: Apache Kakfa
Introducing Estuary’s open-source connector repository

Olivia Iannone · October 12, 2021

Introducing Estuary’s open-source connector repository
The costs of data integration explained, and how to minimize them

Olivia Iannone · September 29, 2021

The costs of data integration explained, and how to minimize them
Re-evaluating Kafka: issues and alternatives for real-time

Olivia Iannone · September 21, 2021

Re-evaluating Kafka: issues and alternatives for real-time
5 example use-cases for real-time data processing

Olivia Iannone · September 14, 2021

5 example use-cases for real-time data processing
What Is Batch Data Processing? Advantages Against Real Time

Jeffrey Richman · September 7, 2021

What Is Batch Data Processing? Advantages Against Real Time
Real-time MapReduce: Why MapReduce is making a comeback

Phil Fried · August 9, 2021

Real-time MapReduce: Why MapReduce is making a comeback
ETL vs ELT: The Ultimate Showdown of Data Integration in 2024

Olivia Iannone · August 3, 2021

ETL vs ELT: The Ultimate Showdown of Data Integration in 2024
What is a Data Pipeline? The Business Essentials

Olivia Iannone · July 27, 2021

What is a Data Pipeline? The Business Essentials
Putting an end to Unreliable Analytics

David Yaffe - CEO · July 26, 2021

Putting an end to Unreliable Analytics
Lead With Vision, Not Metrics: How OKR’s Can Be a Dangerous Tool

David Yaffe - CEO · July 22, 2021

Lead With Vision, Not Metrics: How OKR’s Can Be a Dangerous Tool
Data Democracy Unlocks Value for Organizations. Here’s How to Start

David Yaffe - CEO · July 6, 2021

Data Democracy Unlocks Value for Organizations. Here’s How to Start
Keep Privacy and Governance in Mind When Developing or Updating Your Systems

David Yaffe - CEO · June 29, 2021

Keep Privacy and Governance in Mind When Developing or Updating Your Systems
How Kubernetes will Enable a new Genre of Vendor to Enterprise

David Yaffe - CEO · June 17, 2021

How Kubernetes will Enable a new Genre of Vendor to Enterprise
Safely Sharing Data Between Companies

David Yaffe - CEO · April 22, 2021

Safely Sharing Data Between Companies
How to take advantage of the data revolution in your business

David Yaffe - CEO · April 8, 2021

How to take advantage of the data revolution in your business
A Unified Data Foundation for Real-time and Batch

David Yaffe - CEO · April 1, 2021

A Unified Data Foundation for Real-time and Batch