In today’s data-driven world, data engineers and developers always encounter the need to transfer data from one type of database to another. One such case is transferring data from MySQL to MongoDB, two widely used database management systems with different data models. 

While MySQL is a traditional relational database management system (RDBMS), MongoDB is a newer NoSQL database that has gained popularity in recent years.

MySQL is open-source and has been around since the mid-1990s. It is widely used for web applications and other software that require storing and managing data in a structured format. MongoDB, on the other hand, is a newer document-oriented database that empowers you with more flexible and scalable data storage. It is widely used for big data, real-time analytics, and other applications that require fast and efficient data processing.

In this guide, you’ll explore the basics of MySQL and MongoDB, including the differences between relational and document-oriented databases. You’ll also master the step-by-step guide to migrating data from MySQL to MongoDB, explore the best practices for data synchronization between MySQL and MongoDB, and learn some tips for optimizing data storage in MongoDB. 

So whether you’re a data engineer, developer, or just interested in learning more about databases, this guide will provide you with the information you need to successfully capture data from MySQL to MongoDB. Good to go? Let’s get started!

What is MySQL?


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MySQL is a popular open-source RDBMS that is used by millions of developers and businesses worldwide. It is a powerful and flexible database system that can handle everything from small-scale applications to large, complex systems. MySQL is designed to be fast, reliable, and secure, making it an ideal choice for web-based applications that require high performance and scalability.

MySQL is written in C and C++ programming languages and uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage data. It is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. MySQL is also compatible with various programming languages such as Python, PHP, Java, and more.

Key features and benefits of MySQL

MySQL has several key features that make it a popular choice for web-based applications. Some of these features include:

  • Ease of use: MySQL is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Its intuitive interface and clear documentation make it easy for developers to start using the database effectively on the first attempt.
  • Scalability: MySQL is ACID compliant for data integrity and security and can handle large datasets and heavy workloads, making it suitable for use in enterprise-level applications.
  • Performance: MySQL is designed to be fast and efficient, providing excellent performance even under heavy loads.
  • Security: MySQL offers robust security features, including encryption and authentication, to help protect data from unauthorized access.

Disadvantages of MySQL

Like any database system, MySQL has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages cannot be overemphasized. However, the following disadvantages must be noted:

  • Limited functionality: MySQL is a relational database system, which means it has limited functionality when compared to non-relational databases.
  • Cost: While MySQL is open-source and free to use, there are costs associated with running and maintaining the database system, including hardware costs, staffing costs, and licensing fees for commercial use.
  • Complex queries: Writing complex queries in MySQL can be challenging, requiring a high level of skill and experience.

What is MongoDB?


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MongoDB is a popular document-based database management system that uses a flexible, schema-less data model to store data as documents. It is free and open-source software released under the GNU Affero General Public License

MongoDB is written in C++ and is available for various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is also compatible with various programming languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, and more. 

MongoDB stores data in collections of JSON-like documents and allows you to create a dynamic schema design. It is a good choice for applications that require agility and scalability.

Key features and benefits of MongoDB

  • Dynamic schema design: MongoDB’s flexible document model allows you to make changes to the database schema without the need for costly and time-consuming schema migrations.
  • High scalability: MongoDB is designed to handle large amounts of data, and you can easily scale it horizontally across multiple servers.
  • High availability: MongoDB’s replica sets provide you with automatic failover and data redundancy, ensuring that your data remains available even in the event of hardware failure.
  • Fast queries: MongoDB uses indexes and query language that makes it easy for you to retrieve data quickly, even when working with large data sets.
  • Document-oriented storage: MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents and hence enables you to work with geospatial data and full-text search. It allows you to work with data in web applications, too.


  1. No ACID transactions across collections.
  2. Limited support for JOIN operations.
  3. Not suitable for complex transactions.

Why Migrate from MySQL to MongoDB?

While MySQL is a powerful and reliable database system, there are several reasons why you may choose to migrate to MongoDB. Here are some of the main benefits that MongoDB can offer:

  • Scalability: MongoDB is designed to handle large datasets and can easily scale horizontally by allowing you to add more servers to a cluster. This way you can store and manage large amounts of data.
  • Flexibility: MongoDB’s document-based model allows you to model data flexibly and intuitively. So any developer can work with data that has faster development cycles.
  • Performance: MongoDB is known for its fast read and write performance. It allows you to develop applications that require real-time data access.
  • Availability: MongoDB’s built-in replication and sharding capabilities make it easy for you to ensure high availability and reliability for mission-critical applications.
  • Support for Complex Data Types: MongoDB supports a wide variety of complex data types, including geospatial data and arrays. This enables you to easily store and manage data that may not fit neatly into a traditional relational database schema.
  • Cost-Effective: MongoDB’s open-source community edition is free to use and provides most of the functionality needed for many applications. With it, any data engineer or developer will save money on licensing costs compared to proprietary database systems.

MySQL to MongoDB: Data migration basics

Of course, migrating data from one database system to another can be a complex process, and there are many factors to consider as well. Nevertheless, the process can be straightforward if you understand the fundamental differences between these two types of databases.

Overview of data migration from MySQL to MongoDB

When migrating data from MySQL to MongoDB, you need to take into account the differences between these two types of databases. MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS), while MongoDB is a NoSQL document database.

Relational databases use tables to store data, while document databases store data as JSON-like documents. This means that when you migrate data from MySQL to MongoDB, you need to convert the data from a relational format to a document format.

Understanding the differences between relational and document databases

One of the main differences between relational and document databases is how they handle data relationships. In a relational database like MySQL, data is organized into tables with columns and rows, and the relationships between the tables are defined through foreign keys.

Whereas in a document database like MongoDB, data is stored as a collection of documents, and the relationships between the documents are embedded within the documents themselves.

Step-by-step process of transferring data from MySQL to MongoDB

To transfer data from MySQL to MongoDB, you can follow these general steps:

  • Export the data from MySQL: Use the MySQL command-line tool or a third-party tool to export the data from MySQL in a format that MongoDB can understand, such as JSON or CSV.
  • Transform the data: Convert the data from a relational format to a document format. This may involve splitting the data into multiple documents, denormalizing the data, or changing the data type of certain fields.
  • Import the data into MongoDB: Use the MongoDB command-line tool or a third-party tool to import the data into MongoDB.

It’s important to note that the data migration process can vary depending on the complexity of the data being migrated and the tools being used. It’s also a good idea to test the migration process with a small subset of data before migrating the entire database.

Tools for MySQL to MongoDB data migration


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As we discussed earlier, migrating data from MySQL to MongoDB can be a complex process. Thankfully, there are several tools available to make the process easier and faster. Each has its own set of features and capabilities. Here are some of the most popular tools:

MongoDB Connector for BI: This is an official MongoDB tool that provides a SQL interface to MongoDB. It allows you to use SQL queries to analyze data in MongoDB and supports data migration from MySQL to MongoDB.

Change streams: MongoDB’s change stream feature allows you to monitor changes in a MongoDB database in real time and then propagate those changes to other systems, including MySQL.

Talend Open Studio for Data Integration: This is an open-source data integration tool that supports data migration from MySQL to MongoDB. It provides you with a user-friendly graphical interface for data migration and transformation.

Apache NiFi: This is a data integration and automation tool that supports data migration from MySQL to MongoDB. It provides you with a drag-and-drop interface for data migration and transformation.

Pentaho Data Integration: This is a data integration tool that supports data migration from MySQL to MongoDB. It provides you with a graphical user interface for designing data migration and transformation workflows.

Estuary Flow: This DataOps platform enables you to create a real-time data pipeline, or Data Flow, even for specific systems, to connect data source and destination. Be it from MySQL to MongoDB, you can capture data in a three step Data Flow using the Flow web application:

  1. Capture: This allows you to ingest data from an external source, say MySQL.
  2. Collections: With this, you can store the ingested data in your cloud-backed data lake. (You can use this data lake for any other engineering project.)
  3. Materialization: This enables you to push the data to an external destination, say MongoDB.

Estuary Flow initializes a connection to an external source to identify one or more data resources–like tables, data streams, or anything else. After that, it maps each data resource to a collection, which you can push to any destination. 

Comparison of different migration tools

When choosing a data migration tool, it’s important to consider factors such as ease of use, performance, and cost. Here’s a comparison of some of the most popular data migration tools:

MongoDB Connector for BI – This tool is easy to use and provides a SQL interface to MongoDB, making it ideal for users familiar with SQL. However, it can be expensive for enterprise-level deployments.

Talend Open Studio for Data Integration – This tool is open-source and provides a user-friendly graphical interface, making it ideal for beginners. However, it may not be suitable for complex data migration scenarios.

Apache NiFi – This tool is highly scalable and provides a drag-and-drop interface for data migration, making it ideal for large-scale deployments. However, it may require more technical expertise to set up and configure.

Pentaho Data Integration – This tool provides a graphical user interface for designing data migration workflows and supports a wide range of data sources and destinations. However, it may not be as user-friendly as other tools.

Estuary Flow – This tool supports data synchronization between MySQL and MongoDB. It allows you to set up workflows that extract data from MySQL, transform it into a format compatible with MongoDB, and then load it into MongoDB. Whether you use the web application or the command line interface, Estuary Flow documentation brings you up to speed with ways to boost your data pipeline efficiency.

Best practices for using data migration tools

When using data migration tools, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure a smooth and successful migration. Here are some tips:

Understand your data sources and destinations – Before starting the migration process, make sure you have a clear understanding of your data sources and destinations. This will help you choose the right tool and ensure a successful migration.

Test the migration process – Always test the migration process on a small sample of data before migrating the entire dataset. This will help you identify any issues or errors early on and ensure a smooth migration.

Use the right tool for the job – Choose a tool that’s suitable for your specific data migration needs. Don’t choose a tool simply because it’s popular or widely used.

Follow best practices for data transformation – When transforming data during the migration process, follow best practices to ensure data quality and consistency. This includes cleaning and standardizing data, and ensuring that data types are consistent across the dataset.

By following these best practices, you can ensure a successful and hassle-free data migration from MySQL to MongoDB using the right tool for the job.

Data synchronization between MySQL and MongoDB

As businesses grow, they generate a large amount of data, and as the data volume increases, it becomes necessary to store data in multiple databases. In many cases, companies use both MySQL and MongoDB to store their data. 

As you have learned earlier, MySQL is a relational database management system, and MongoDB is a document-oriented database. As a result, data synchronization between MySQL and MongoDB can become challenging.

Data synchronization, by the way, is the process of keeping the data in different databases updated and consistent, such that when the data is updated in one database, the changes are automatically propagated to other databases, ensuring data consistency across different systems.

For example, if for any reason you or any other data engineer or developer needs to sync data between MySQL and MongoDB, then when the data is updated in MySQL, the changes must be reflected in MongoDB, and vice versa. 

This is particularly important in scenarios where businesses need to access and analyze data across multiple databases. In such cases, data synchronization can be used to keep data updated in real-time across different databases.

Benefits and challenges of data synchronization

The benefits of syncing data between MySQL and MongoDB are many. For instance, it allows businesses, or any affiliate thereof, to access and analyze data from multiple databases in real time. 

Data synchronization allows data engineers and developers to ensure data consistency across different systems, eliminating the risk of data inconsistency and errors.

However, data synchronization also comes with its challenges. One of them is ensuring that the data in both databases remains consistent. This is particularly important when dealing with large volumes of data, where the risk of data inconsistency is high, especially with data validation and schema differences between the databases.

Another challenge is ensuring that the synchronization process does not affect the performance of either database. This requires careful planning and implementation of the synchronization process.

Some of the same tools you can use for one-time migration can also perform ongoing synchronization. Estuary Flow is one of these — it uses data streaming technology to keep the source and destination in sync continuously.

Not all migration tools are good choices to keep MySQL and MongoDB in sync, however. The MongoDB Connector for BI, for example, would have to be run repeatedly in a batch workflow. You’d likely run into the challenges mentioned above.

Best Practices for Capturing Data from MySQL to MongoDB 

The following are some best practices to follow when capturing data from MySQL to MongoDB:

Choose the right migration tool: There are several migration tools available for capturing data from MySQL to MongoDB, such as Mongify, NoSQLBooster for MongoDB, Talend, and Estuary Flow. Choose a tool that is best suited for your specific use case.

Optimize schema mapping: Mapping the MySQL schema to the MongoDB schema is a critical step in the migration process. Ensure that you map the schema correctly to avoid data inconsistencies and loss.

Use chunking for large datasets: For large datasets, it is best to use chunking to divide the data into smaller batches for easier migration.

Monitor performance: Monitor the migration process closely to ensure that it is running smoothly and efficiently. Use tools such as MongoDB’s performance monitoring to identify and resolve any performance issues.

Ensure data integrity: Ensure the data you’re migrating is consistent and accurate. Verify the data after migration to ensure that you migrated it correctly.

Optimize for query performance: Use indexes and query optimization techniques to optimize query performance in MongoDB. This will help you to ensure that queries run quickly and efficiently.

Back-up your data: Before starting the migration process, ensure that you have a backup of your MySQL data. This will help to ensure that you can recover any data that is lost or corrupted during the migration process.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your data migration process is successful and that your data is captured accurately in MongoDB.

Optimizing data storage with MongoDB

Data storage optimization is a critical aspect of any database management system, and MongoDB is no exception. In this section, you’ll learn some best practices for optimizing data storage in MongoDB.

Overview of data storage optimization in MongoDB

MongoDB uses a document-oriented data model that is different from the traditional table-based data model used by MySQL. In MongoDB, you can store data in JSON-like documents that can be nested, making it a more flexible and scalable database management system.

Advantages and disadvantages of MongoDB data storage:

Some advantages of MongoDB data storage include its flexibility, scalability, and support for a wide range of data types. However, it also has some trade-offs, such as increased storage requirements and potential performance issues when working with large datasets.

How to optimize MongoDB for better performance

Now that you have explored MongoDB data storage, let’s talk about how you can optimize MongoDB for better performance. There are several ways to achieve this:

Using appropriate data models

One of the most important aspects of optimizing MongoDB for better performance is using appropriate data models. You need to design your data models to support your query patterns. This means understanding your application’s read-and-write patterns and building your data models accordingly.

Indexing in MongoDB

Indexing in MongoDB is critical to achieving better performance. There are several types of indexes in MongoDB, including single field, compound, multi-key, and text indexes. The right index type to choose depends on your query patterns. 

For example, if you query a specific field frequently, a single-field index would be appropriate. On the other hand, if you query multiple fields frequently, a compound index would be more suitable. The same is obtainable for other types of indexes.

Sharding in MongoDB

Sharding in MongoDB is the process of distributing data across multiple servers. It allows you to scale horizontally by adding more servers to the cluster. Sharding is beneficial when you have large datasets that cannot fit in a single server’s memory. It also helps you to distribute the read and write load across multiple servers, thereby improving performance.

In MongoDB, sharding is achieved through the use of shards, which are individual servers that store a subset of the data. A shard key is used to determine which server a particular piece of data belongs to. This key can be any field in your data model.

Benefits of sharding

The benefits of sharding in MongoDB include improved performance, scalability, and fault tolerance. Sharding enables you to distribute data across multiple servers, making it possible to store and process large amounts of data. It also improves fault tolerance since data is replicated across multiple servers; this ensures that if one server fails, the data is still available.

How to implement sharding in MongoDB

Implementing sharding in MongoDB requires the following steps:

  1. Create a sharded cluster 
  2. Add shards to the cluster 
  3. Enable sharding on a database 
  4. Choose a shard key 
  5. Create indexes 
  6. Insert data into the cluster

Best practices for managing data storage in MongoDB

Once you have your data in MongoDB, it’s important to ensure that you manage it properly. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Monitoring MongoDB

Monitoring your MongoDB deployment is crucial to ensuring its reliability and performance. This involves tracking metrics such as disk usage, memory usage, and query response times. Monitoring can also help identify potential issues before they become major problems.

MongoDB monitoring tools

There are several tools available for monitoring MongoDB, including MongoDB Management Service (MMS), which provides a comprehensive suite of monitoring and management tools for MongoDB deployments. Another popular tool is Ops Manager, which provides similar functionality to MMS, but also includes automation and backup features.

Backup and recovery

Data backup and recovery is an essential part of managing data storage in MongoDB. Backups ensure that you have a copy of your data in case of accidental data loss or system failure. Recovery allows you to restore your data from a backup.

MongoDB backup and recovery tools

MongoDB provides several tools for backup and recovery, including mongodump and mongorestore, which allow you to back up and restore individual databases or collections. Another tool is MongoDB Cloud Backup, which provides continuous, incremental backups of your entire MongoDB deployment to the cloud.

Security considerations

Security is a critical aspect of managing data storage in MongoDB. MongoDB provides several features to ensure the security of your data, including authentication, authorization, and encryption. It’s important to properly configure these features to protect your data.

Best practices for securing MongoDB

Some best practices for securing MongoDB include enabling authentication and authorization, using secure network connections, and keeping your MongoDB deployment up-to-date with the latest security patches.

MongoDB security tools

MongoDB also provides several security tools to help you manage the security of your deployment, including MongoDB Enterprise Advanced, which includes features such as LDAP integration, auditing, and encryption at rest. Additionally, there are several third-party tools available that provide enhanced security features for MongoDB deployments.


In this article, you have explored the basics of data migration from MySQL to MongoDB. You started by learning what MySQL and MongoDB are, and their respective advantages and disadvantages. Then, you went further to mastering the process of transferring data from MySQL to MongoDB, including the differences between relational and document databases, and the steps involved in the migration process.

Furthermore, you looked at various tools that can be used for data migration, including Estuary Flow, which is intuitive for data engineers and developers. You compared their features and functionalities. You also familiarized yourself with best practices for using these tools.

You then explored the concept of data synchronization between MySQL and MongoDB, including how to set it up and its benefits and challenges. Finally, you learned how to optimize data storage in MongoDB for better performance, including best practices for managing data storage.

Although data migration and synchronization between MySQL and MongoDB can be complex tasks, by following the best practices and guidelines outlined in this article, you and any developer or data engineer can successfully transfer data between these databases and optimize their data storage for better performance.

The ability to move data between databases is essential in today’s data-driven world, and it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques to ensure smooth and efficient data migration and synchronization. Fortunately, Estuary Flow is such a tool. Check it out here and then share your experience on this public slack channel.

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